List of all Examples

A List of Articles

In many different types of websites we want to show a list of different entries and be able to navigate through these entries. For simple entries, it would probably be sufficient to use a normal HTML list, but for more complicated entries, we can use the HTML article element.

One Article after Another

This example lists out one article after another in the HTML document, without wrapping it in any other HTML elements. The buttons in this example are currently dummy buttons which represent actions that a user might want to make, but do not currently provide any functionality.

A New Pair of Shoes





A Beautiful Sweatshirt





A brand new Smartphone





A list of articles

This example lists out one article after another in the HTML document, but wraps the list of articles in an HTML list. This gives additional context information to a screenreader, so the user can tell how many articles are currently listed on the page. The buttons in this example are currently dummy buttons which represent actions that a user might want to make, but do not currently provide any functionality.