EuroClojure 2017
Wow. The EuroClojure was just great! I love hanging out with other Clojure enthusiast. I was also thrilled to find some fellow Clojure sketchnoters: @malweene, @daiyitastic, and @MarianaBocoi (who caught the sketchnoting bug during the conference!).
I had a great time giving my talk Simple AND Secure?. Hopefully the video will be out soon!
Sketchnotes of my talk can be found here and here.
And here are my sketchnotes!
‘optlike - Erlang/OTP Processes and Behaviors for Clojure’ from Alexey Aristov
‘The Return of Clojure Data Science’ from Elise Huard
‘Moving People with Clojure’ from Abhinav Sarkar
‘The Feynman Machine: AI architecture in Clojure/Neanderthal’ from Fergal Byrne and Louise Klodt
‘Building a collaborative web app with ClojureScript’ from Gijs Stuurman
‘Clojure Tools for Symbolic Artificial Intelligence’ from Saul Johnson
‘Dependency Heaven’ from Alex Miller
‘Save the Princess’ from Simon Belak
We also had a great Unsession organized by Dave Liepmann on the evening of day one. How can we make learning Clojure easier for beginners?
‘Intro to Probabilistic Programming & Clojure’s Anglican’ from Nils Blum-Oeste
‘Spec loves Data Structures’
‘Tear down this wall - rethink distributed systems’ from Christian Betz
‘Using ClojureScript to launch ios/Android apps to 1M users’ from Emin Hasanov
‘Unravel your REPL’ from Pauus Esterhazy
‘Microservices with Vase and Linkerd’ from Peter Brachwitz
‘Generative Programming & Verification’ from Nada Amin